Whenever I Say Your Name
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Whenever I Say Your Name: Chords
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!Intro: MI11 FA#m RE#dim Whenever I say your name, SOL#m7/5- DO#7 whenever I call to mind your face FA#m9 LAm6+ Whatever bread's in my mouth, SOL#m7/5- DO#7 whatever the sweetest wine that I taste FA#m RE#dim SOL#m7/5- Whenever your memory feeds my soul, DO#7 FA#m whatever got broken becomes whole LAm6+ Whenever I'm filled with doubts SOL#m7/5- MI7 that we will be togetherLAm FA#m7/5- Wherever I lay me down, SIm7/5- MI7 wherever I put my head to sleep LAm DOm6+ Whenever I hurt and cry, SIm7/5- MI7 LAm whenever I got to lie awake and weep FA#m7/5- Whenever I kneel to pray, SIm7/5- MI7 whenever I need to find a wayFA#m I'm calling out your nameSIm7 LA7/DO# RE FA#m/DO# Whenever those dark clouds hide the moon... SOL#m7/5- SIm/FA# MI Whenever this world has gotten so strange REm7 (I know that something's gonna change)FA/SOL DO DO/MI Something's gonna change SOL4 Whenever I say your name, SOL Whenever I say your name, RE4 REm/FA I'm already praying, I'm already praying MI7/4 LAm/MI I'm already filled with a joy that I can't explain MIm Wherever I lay me down, FA/LA SOL/SI DO wherever I rest my weary head to sleep DO/MI Whenever I hurt and cry, RE7/FA# MI7/SOL# LAm whenever I got to lie awake and weep DO6 Whenever I'm on the floorSIb/RE DO/MI FA Whatever it was that I believed before FA/MI Whenever I say your name,SIm7/5- MI7 LAm whenever I say it loud, I'm already prayingFA#m LAm6+ SOL#m7/5- Whenever this world has got me down, DO#7 whenever I shed a tear FA#m RE#m7/5- SOL#m7/5- Whenever the TV makes me mad, DO#7 FA#m whenever I'm paralyzed with fear LAm6+ SOL#m7/5- Whenever those dark clouds fill the sky, DO#7 FA#m whenever I lose the reason why RE#m7/5- Whenever I'm filled with doubts SOL#m7/5- MI7 that we will be togetherLAm DOm6+ SIm7/5- Whenever the sun refuse to shine, MI7 LAm whenever the skies are pouring rain FA#m7/5- SIm7/5- Whatever I lost I thought was mine MI7 LAm whenever I close my eyes in pain DOdim Whenever I kneel to pray, SIm7/5- MI7 whenever I need to find a wayFA#m I'm calling out your nameSOL/SI LA/DO# RE Whenever this dark begins to fall FA#m/DO# SOL#m7/5- Whenever I'm vulnerable and small SIm/FA# MI7 Whenever I feel like I could die... DO#7/4 Whenever I'm holding back the tears that I cryLA LA/DO# Whenever I say your name, MI4 MI whenever I call to mind your face SI4 I'm already praying SIm/RE Whatever bread's in my mouth, FA#4 FA#m whatever the sweetest wine that I taste DO#m Wherever I lay me down, RE/FA# MI/SOL# LA wherever I rest my weary head to sleep LA/DO# Whenever I hurt and cry, SIadd9/RE# DO#7/FA FA#m9 whenever I'm forced to lie awake and have to weep LA6 Whenever I'm on the floorSOL/SI LA/DO# RE Whatever it was that I believed before RE/FA# Whenever I say your name,SOL#m7/5- LA MI4 MI whenever I say it loud, I'm already praying... SI7/MI MIadd9 MI FA#m7 RE/FA#MIm7 Whenever I say your name, No matter how long it takes, One day we'll be together Whenever I say your name, let there be no mistake that day will last forever
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Whenever I Say Your Name: Video
Whenever I Say Your Name è un brano scritto e interpretato da Gordon Sumner Sting, contenuto nell'album Sacred Love pubblicato nel 2003. Settimo disco da solista per il cantautore britannico, continua il percorso sperimentale dentro il mondo della musica elettronica, iniziato nel 1999 con Brand New Day. La canzone è il secondo singolo estratto dall'album e vede la partecipazione canora di Mary J. Blige; si aggiudica un meritato Grammy Award come "Miglior collaborazione vocale pop".
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