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Destiny: Chords
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!Intro: RE#m SI RE#m LA# SOL#5 LA# RE#m SI RE#m LA# SOL#5 LA# SOL# FA5 RE#m RE#m SI RE#m LA#7 RE#m SI RE#m LA#7 RE#m SI RE#m LA# SOL#5 LA# RE#m SI RE#m LA# SOL#5 LA# SOL# FA5 RE#m RE#m The times are changing so fast I wonder how long it lasts SI LA#5 The clock is ticking time is running out RE#m The hatred fills this Earth And for what is worth SI LA# We're in the end before we kno--w SOL#m Throughout the years FA# DO#/FA I have struggled to find the answer that RE#m RE#/SOL I never knew SOL#m DO# FA# SI It strucked me like a million lightnings SOL#m FAm7/5- LA# And here I am telling to you SI DO# RE#m FA# Every second of day it is coming your way DO# RE#m Future unknown is here to stay DO# SI Got to open your mind FA# LA# DO# of you will be led to astray FA# DO#/FA There's a time to live RE#m LA#m There`s a time to die SI DO# RE#m SI But no one can`t escape the Destiny... RE#m LA# SOL#5 LA# RE#m SI RE#m LA# SOL#5 LA# RE#m Look all these things we've done Under the burning Sun SI LA# Is this the way to carry o---n? RE#m So take a look at yourself And tell me what do you see SI LA# A wolf in clothes of the La--mb? SOL#m Throughout the years FA# DO#/FA I have struggled to find the answer that RE#m RE#/SOL I never knew SOL#m DO# FA# SI It strucked me like a million lightnings SOL#m FAm7/5- LA# And here I am telling to you SI DO# RE#m FA# Every second of day it is coming your way DO# RE#m Future unknown is here to stay DO# SI Got to open your mind FA# LA# DO# of you will be led to astray FA# DO#/FA There's a time to live RE#m LA#m There`s a time to die SI DO# RE#m But no one can`t escape the Destiny... SI/RE# RE#m LA#/RE# RE#m LA#7 RE#m DO#7 FA# SOL#m6+ RE#m LA#7 LA#5 RE#5 LA#5 RE#5 LA#5 RE#5 LA#5 RE#5 RE#m DO# SI DO#7 LA#7 RE#m DO#/FA SI LA#7 RE#m SOL#m SOL#m/FA# Let your spirit free MI RE# RE#/SOL Through Window of your Mind SOL#m SOL#/FA# Unchain your Soul from hate MI RE#m FA# All you need is Fa--ith SI FA# I control my Life SOL#m FA#/LA# SI FA#7 I am the O-------ne SI FA#/LA# You control your Life LA# But don't forget Your Destiny... DO#7 RE#m DO#7/FA FA# FA# DO#/FA RE#m LA#m SI FA# SOL#m DO# FA# DO#/FA It's time to say goodbye RE#m LA#m I know it will make you cry SI FA# You make your Destiny SOL#m DO# I know you'll find the way FA# DO#/FA And outside Sun is bright RE#m LA#m The things will be alright SI FA# DO# I will be back one day to you FA# So please Wait For ME
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Destiny: Video
Destiny è un brano composto e inciso dagli Stratovarius, contenuto nell'album omonimo pubblicato nel 1998. Settimo disco di inediti per la band finlandese, rappresenta il culmine della loro popolarità anche fuori dai confini nazionali, forti del grande successo ottenuto con il precedente Visions, del 1997. La canzone, la title track, porta la firma del chitarrista Timo Tolkki; traccia d'apertura dell'album, si presenta nel classico stile power metal dove l'armonia classica incontra l'hard rock.
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