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Eagleheart: Chords
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!Intro: DOm LAb SIb SOLm LAb MIb SIb DOm LAb SIb SOLm LAb SIb MIb DOm DOm LAb/DO All through the night he is lying awake DOm SIb Wond'ring how much more can he take DOm LAb/DO Watching the walls where the shadows dance DOm SIb Drifting away into a trance MIb And his eyes are blazing with fire DOm LAb/DO Dreams burnt to ashes so many times DOm SIb Highest of mountains, still he climbs DOm LAb/DO Ready to fly, cause he just can't stay DOm SIb Flame burning brighter with every day MIb And his eyes are blazing with fire LAb SIb Longing for the deepest desire DOm LAb Heart of an eagle SIb SOLm He flies through the rainbow LAb MIb SIb Into a new world and finds the sun DOm LAb Spreading his wings SIb SOLm Above all the sorrows LAb SIb MIb The glory of Eagleheart DOm LAb DOm LAb DOm LAb/DO Fever is burning in his veins DOm SIb Determined with courage, breaking the chains DOm LAb/DO Back against the wall under blood red skies DOm SIb Prepared to fight until he dies MIb And his eyes are blazing with fire LAb SIb Longing for the deepest desire DOm LAb Heart of an eagle SIb SOLm He flies through the rainbow LAb MIb SIb Into a new world and finds the sun DOm LAb Spreading his wings SIb SOLm Above all the sorrows LAb SIb MIb The glory of Eagleheart DOm LAb Heart of an eagle SIb SOLm He flies through the rainbow LAb MIb SIb Into a new world and finds the sun DOm LAb Spreading his wings SIb SOLm Above all the sorrows LAb SIb MIb The glory of Eagleheart DOm LAb SIb SOLm LAb MIb SIb DOm LAb SIb SOLm LAb SIb MIb DOm LAb SIb SOLm LAb MIb SIb DOm LAb SIb SOLm LAb SIb MIb
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Eagleheart: Video
Eagleheart è un brano composto e inciso dagli Stratovarius, contenuto nell'album Elements Pt. 1 pubblicato nel 2003. Decimo lavoro in studio per la band finlandese, si rivela un vero e proprio passo falso e, nonostante un lungo tour promozionale, non fu apprezzato dalla critica specializzata né tanto meno dal pubblico! La canzone è la traccia d'apertura del disco e porta le firme di Timo Tolkki e Timo Kotipelto; un pezzo dal sound heavy metal e dallo spiccato gusto melodico.
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