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Jungle: Chords
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!Intro (ripete x 9): DO#m SI SOL#m LA DO#m I see the way you move SI It's fluid SOL#m Be here by my side LA Got nothing to hide DO#m I know that you're hurting SI I see the tears behind those eyes SOL#m And I can't wipe them clear LA Your love is like gold to me DO#m SI But you hold me closer to the light SOL#m With the final bullet inside LA Oh, I'm surrounded by DO#m SI But you throw me into the deep end Expect me to know how to swim SOL#m And I put my faith in someone else LA 'Cause I will be just fine DO#m Welcome to the jungle SI Are you gonna dance with me SOL#m Welcome to the jungle LA You got to close your eyes and see DO#m Welcome to the jungle SI Are you gonna dance with me SOL#m LA Well, hold on, well, hold on DO#m Suit and tie with the black jeans on and I'm paralyzed 'Cause I think you got something SI like the biggest soul I've ever seen And I think you're the one SOL#m Suit and tie, with the curly hair making your way with that step and stare LA So tell me real, do you feel anything DO#m Ashes to ashes SI And the embers are ablaze SOL#m Oh, I gotta rise among you, LA though then I think about your face every day DO#m SI But you pull me closer to the light SOL#m You wouldn't find a bullet inside LA Only if you magnify DO#m Welcome to the jungle SI Are you gonna dance with me SOL#m Welcome to the jungle LA You got to close your eyes and see DO#m Welcome to the jungle SI Are you gonna dance with me SOL#m LA Well, hold on, well, hold on... DO#m SI SOL#m LA DO#m SI SOL#m LA DO#m SI SOL#m LA DO#m9
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Jungle: Video
Jungle è un brano scritto e inciso da Tash Sultana, contenuto nel EP Notion pubblicato nel 2016. Secondo lavoro in studio per la cantautrice australiana, si rivela il suo primo vero successo internazionale e le apre le porte ad un lungo e fortunato tour mondiale che la porterà fino in Europa. La canzone è il terzo singolo estratto, una ballata reggae-rock da cui traspare la naturale dolcezza di Sultana in contrasto con il sound duro dell'arrangiamento: viene rappresentata così la lotta tra il cuore e la mente.
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