This Time I Know It’s for Real
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This Time I Know It’s for Real: Chords
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!Intro: DO RE SOL RE DO SIm MIm DO RE SOL RE DO7+ SI7MI LA LAm6+ What would I have to do MI MI5+ To get you to notice me too LA LAm Do I stand in line MI One of a million DO#m Admiring eyes MI11 MI7 Walk a tightrope way up high LAadd9 LA SI Write your name across the skyDO RE SOL RE DO I'm going crazy just to let you know SIm7 MIm You'd be amazed how much I love you so, baby DO RE SOL RE When I get my hands on you I won't let go DO7+ SI7 MI This time I know it's for realLA LAm Should I write or call your home MI MI5+ Shout it out with a megaphone LA LAm6+ Radio, tv news MI Got to find a way DO#m To get the message to you MI11 MI7 To say I love you with a neon sign LAadd9 LA SI Anything to make you mineDO RE SOL RE DO I'm going crazy just to let you know SIm7 MIm You'd be amazed how much I love you so, baby DO RE SOL RE When I get my hands on you I won't let go DO7+ SI7 MI This time I know it's for realMI11 Ooo baby MI MI11 LA LAm This time, this time, this time, this time MIadd9 ...Oh baby LA LAm6+ MIadd9 DO#m This time, this time, oh baby MI11 MI7 Walk a tightrope way up high LAadd9 LA SI Write your name across the skyDO RE SOL RE DO I'm going crazy just to let you know SIm7 MIm You'd be amazed how much I love you so, baby DO RE SOL RE When I get my hands on you I won't let go DO7+ SI7 DO7+ This time I know it's for real RE SOL RE DO I'm going crazy just to let you know If I wait too long SIm MIm DO for you I might explode, oh baby RE SOL RE I've been around the block enough to know DO7+ SI7 DO7+ RE SOL RE This time I know it's for real DO SIm MIm DO RE SOL RE DO7+ SI7
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This Time I Know It’s for Real: Video
This Time I Know It's for Real è un brano interpretato e inciso da Donna Summer, pseudonimo di LaDonna Adrian Gaines, contenuto nell'album Another Place and Time pubblicato nel 1989. Quattordicesimo lavoro in studio per la cantante di Boston, è il frutto del lavoro del celebre trio di produttori britannici "Stock, Aitken & Waterman". La canzone, che porta proprio le loro firme, è una travolgente ballata pop-dance dal tipico sound degli anni Ottanta.
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