Back for Good
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Back for Good: Chords
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!Intro: FA SOLm7 SIb DO4 DO FA SOLm7 SIb DO4 DO FA SOLm7 SIb DO FA I guess now it's time for me to give up SOLm7 SIb DO SIb/RE DO/MI I feel it's time FA SOLm7 Got a picture of you beside me SIb DO FA Got your lipstick mark still on your coffee cup SOLm7 SIb DO4 DO FA SOLm7 Got a fist of pure emotion SIb DO Got a head of shattered dreams REm DO6 SIb DO4 DO Gotta leave it, gotta leave it all behind now FA SOLm7 SIb Whatever I said, whatever I did I didn't mean it DO FA SOLm7 SIb DO I just want you back for good FA SOLm7 SIb Whenever I'm wrong just tell me the song and I'll sing it DO FA SOLm7 SIb DO You'll be right and understood... FA SOLm7 SIb DO FA Unaware but underlined I figured out this story SOLm7 SIb DO SIb/RE DO/MI It wasn't good FA SOLm7 SIb DO But in the corner of my mind FA I celebrated glory SOLm7 SIb DO4 DO But that was not to be FA SOLm7 SIb DO In the twist of separation you excelled at being free REm DO6 SIb DO4 DO Can't you find a little room inside for me FA SOLm7 SIb Whatever I said, whatever I did I didn't mean it DO FA SOLm7 SIb DO I just want you back for good... FA SOLm7 SIb Whenever I'm wrong just tell me the song and I'll sing it DO FA SOLm7 SIb DO You'll be right and understood... SIb7+ FA/LA SIb7+ FAadd9/LA SIb7+ And we'll be together, this time is forever FAadd9/LA We'll be fighting and forever we will be REm DO So complete in our love SIb FA DO We will never be uncovered again FA SOLm7 SIb Whatever I said, whatever I did I didn't mean it DO FA SOLm7 SIb DO I just want you back for good FA SOLm7 SIb Whenever I'm wrong just tell me the song and I'll sing it DO FA SOLm7 SIb DO You'll be right and understood... FA SOLm7 SIb DO FA SOLm7 SIb DO FA SOLm7 SIb DO FA SOLm7 SIb DO FA SOLm7 SIb DO6 DO FA SOLm7 SIb I guess now it's time DO6 DO FA that you came back for good
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Back for Good: Video
Back for Good è un brano composto e inciso dai Take That, contenuto nell'album Nobody Else pubblicato nel 1995. Terzo lavoro in studio per la boyband britannica, riscuote grande successo in tutto il mondo aggiudicandosi oltre due milioni di copie vendute solo in Europa. La canzone, come le altre del disco, è opera di Gary Barlow ed è il secondo singolo estratto. Riscuote fortuna specialmente in Brasile grazie ad una telenovela nazionale che la sceglie per esserne la sigla introduttiva.
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