Never Forget
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Never Forget: Chords
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!Intro: LA LA7 We've come a long way LA6 LA But we're not too sure where we've been MI/LA LA Tu--dutu LA/MI LA We've had success (tudutu), MI/LA LA we've had good times (tudutu) LA4 But remember this (tudutu) LA FA#m7 REadd9 MI LA FA#m7 Been on this path of life for so long REadd9 MI LA FA#m7 Feel I've walked a thousand miles REadd9 MI LA FA#m7 Sometimes strolled hand in hand with love REadd9 MI Everybody's been there LA FA#m7 With danger on my mind REadd9 MI LA FA#m7 I would stand on the line of hope REadd9 MI And I knew I could make it LA FA#m7 Once I knew the boundaries REadd9 MI LA FA#m7 I looked into the clouds and saw REadd9 MI My face in the moonlight RE7+ LAadd9/DO# Just then I realized what a fool I could be SIm7 MI11 Just 'cause I look so high FA#m7 LA9 RE7+ you don't have to see me LAadd9/DO# Finding a paradise wasn't easy but still SIm7 LA/DO# There's a road going down RE MI11 the other side of this hill LA REadd9 FA#m7 MI Ne---ver forget where you've come here from LAadd9/DO# RE FA#m7 MI Ne----------ver pretend that it's all real LA/DO# RE FA#m7 MI Some----day soon this will all be LA/DO# RE someone else's dream FA#m7 MI This will be someone else's dream LA FA#m7 REadd9 MI LA FA#m7 Safe from the arms of disappointment for so long REadd9 MI LA FA#m7 Feel each day we've come too far REadd9 MI LA FA#m7 Yet each day seems to make much more REadd9 MI Sure is good to be here RE7+ I understand the meaning LAadd9/DO# SIm7 MI11 of "I can't explain this feeling" now FA#m11 LA9 And it feels so unreal RE7+ LAadd9/DO# At night I see the hand that reminds me SIm7 LA/DO# of the stand that I made RE MI The fact of reality (oh) LA REadd9 FA#m7 MI Ne---ver forget where you've come here from LAadd9/DO# RE FA#m7 MI Ne----------ver pretend that it's all real LA/DO# RE FA#m7 MI Some----day soon this will all be LA/DO# RE someone else's dream FA#m7 MI This will be someone else's dream LAadd9 We've come so far and we've reached so high RE MI LAadd9 And we've looked each day and night in the eye And we're still so young and we hope for more But remember this FA#m7 REadd9 MI LA We're not invincible, we're not invincible, no FA#m7 REadd9 MI LA We're only people, we're only people FA#m7 REadd9 MI LA FA#m7 Hey we're not invincible, we're not invincible REadd9 MI So again I tell you LA REadd9 FA#m7 MI Ne---ver forget where you've come here from LAadd9/DO# RE FA#m7 MI Ne----------ver pretend that it's all real LA/DO# RE FA#m7 MI Some----day soon this will all be LA/DO# RE someone else's dream FA#m7 MI This will be someone else's dream LA/DO# REadd9 FA#m7 MI Ne-------ver forget where you've come here from LAadd9/DO# RE FA#m7 MI Ne----------ver pretend that it's all real LA/DO# RE FA#m7 MI Some----day soon this will all be LA/DO# RE someone else's dream FA#m7 MI This will be someone else's dream LA/DO# RE FA#m7 MI Ne------ver, everybody sing, oh baby LA/DO# RE FA#m7 MI Ne-------ver, no never, never forget for love LA/DO# RE FA#m7 MI Some----day, louder, louder, louder, louder loud LA/DO# RE FA#m7 MI Oh (woah)... LA/DO# RE FA#m7 MI Ne------ver, everybody sing that song LA/DO# RE FA#m7 MI Ne------ver, yeah louder, louder, louder now LA/DO# RE FA#m7 MI Some-----day, come on, come on, everybody, everybody LA/DO# RE FA#m7 MI LA Everybody, everybody, everybody (woah)
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Never Forget: Video
Never Forget è un brano interpretato e inciso dai Take That, contenuto nell'album Nobody Else pubblicato nel 1995. Terzo lavoro in studio per la boyband inglese, si rivelerà anche l'ultimo della loro prima fase: alcuni mesi dopo, infatti, Robbie Williams dichiarò ufficialmente l'inizio della sua carriera da solista. La canzone è il quarto singolo estratto dal disco e porta la firma di Gary Barlow; vede la partecipazione del cantautore e polistrumentista Howard Donald.
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