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Jumper: Chords
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!FA7+ DO I wish you would step back SOL from that ledge, my friend FA7+ DO You could cut ties with all the lies SOL That you've been living in FA7+ DO SOL And if you do not want to see me again FA7+ DO SOL I would understa-------nd FA7+ DO SOL I would understa-------nd LAm The angry boy A bit too insane DO Icing over a secret pain SOL You know you don't belong LAm You're the first to fight You're way too loud DO You're the flash of light on a burial shroud SOL I know something's wrong LAm REadd9 Well, everyone I know has got a reason DO To say FA7+ Put the past away DO Wish you would step back SOL from that ledge, my friend FA7+ DO You could cut ties with all the lies SOL That you've been living in FA7+ DO SOL And if you do not want to see me again FA7+ DO SOL I would understa-------nd FA7+ DO SOL I would understa-------nd LAm And well, he's on the table And he's gone to code DO And I do not think anyone knows SOL What they are doing here LAm And your friends have left you You've been dismissed DO I never thought it would come to this SOL And I ...I want you to know LAm REadd9 Everyone's got to face down the demons DO Maybe today FA7+ We can put the past away DO Wish you would step back SOL from that ledge, my friend FA7+ DO You could cut ties with all the lies SOL That you've been living in FA7+ DO SOL And if you do not want to see me again FA7+ DO SOL I would understa-------nd FA7+ DO SOL I would understa-------nd FA7+ DO SOL I would understa-------nd FA7+ DO SOL I would understa-------nd FA DO SOL FA DO SOL FA DO SOL I would understand FA DO SOL I would understand FA DO SOL FA DO SOL Understand FA7+ DO SOL FA7+ DO SOL FA7+ DO SOL FA7+ DO SOL FA7+ DO SOL FA7+ DO SOL REadd9 DO FA7+ Can you put the past away? DO I wish you would step back SOL from that ledge, my friend FA7+ I would understand DO I wish you would step back SOL from that ledge, my friend FA7+ I would understand DO I wish you would step back SOL from that ledge, my friend FA7+ And I would understand DO I wish you would step back SOL from that ledge, my friend FA7+ I would understand DO I wish you would step back SOL from that ledge, my friend FA7+ DO SOL And I would understand FA7+ DO SOL FA7+ DO SOL FA7+ DO SOL FA7+ DO SOL
Autore: Stephan JenkinsCopyright: © BMG Rights Management
Generato su Accordi e Spartiti - www.accordiespartiti.it
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Jumper: Video
Jumper è un brano composto e inciso dai Third Eye Blind, contenuto nell'album eponimo pubblicato nel 1997. Disco d'esordio per la band di San Francisco, è il frutto del fortunato incontro con i britannici Oasis, che li scelsero per aprire un loro concerto negli Stati Uniti nel 1996. La canzone è il quinto singolo estratto dall'album ed è uno dei loro cavalli di battaglia; celebre è l'interpretazione dell'attore Jim Carrey nel film "Yes man"!
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