Call It Whatever
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Call It Whatever: Chords
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!Intro: MIb DOm LAb MIb Everybody's askin' what I'm thinkin' of you Wanna show and tell 'em 'bout the things that we do DOm I know what I'm feelin' and you're feelin' it too LAb You're feelin' it too, you're feelin' it too MIb Call me up and wonder why I'm makin' a fuss Wanna hear the little little secrets of us DOm I won't tell them anything they don't have a clue LAb About me and you, about me and you MIb Take me on a roller coaster Round and round and up and over DOm LAbadd9 Hold me close I'm ready for the ride MIb Our love needs no name We got a thing we can't explain DOm Don't care what people say LAb Let's call it whatever, whatever MIb You, me, got everything And no I don't need a diamond ring DOm Don't care what people say LAb Let's call it whatever, whatever MIb Whatever, whatever, whatever, whatever, whatever Whatever we want DOm Let's call it whatever, whatever, whatever, whatever, whatever LAb Whatever we want MIb Don't you know I'm not another typical girl Skip the fancy dinners we go straight for dessert DOm I don't need the flowers, you can give me the world LAb Give me the world, give me the world MIb We are never gonna try to play by the rules And every little thing that we should say or do DOm Uh Oh, Uh Oh LAb Is wrapped around my little finger MIb Take me on a roller coaster Round and round and up and over DOm LAbadd9 Hold me close I'm ready for the ride MIb Our love needs no name We got a thing we can't explain DOm Don't care what people say LAb Let's call it whatever, whatever MIb You, me, got everything And no I don't need a diamond ring DOm Don't care what people say LAb Let's call it whatever, whatever MIb Whatever, whatever, whatever, whatever, whatever Whatever we want DOm Let's call it whatever, whatever, whatever, whatever, whatever LAb Whatever we want MIb Take me on a roller coaster Round and round and up and over DOm LAb Hold me close I'm ready for the ride MIb Our love needs no name We got a thing we can't explain Don't care what people say Let's call it whatever, whatever MIb You, me, got everything And no I don't need a diamond ring DOm Don't care what people say LAb Let's call it whatever, whatever MIb Whatever, whatever, whatever, whatever, whatever Whatever we want DOm Let's call it whatever, whatever, whatever, whatever, whatever LAb Whatever we want MIb Let's call it whatever, whatever Whatever, whatever, whatever, whatever, whatever Whatever we want DOm Let's call it whatever, whatever, whatever, whatever, whatever Whatever we want
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Call It Whatever: Video
Call It Whatever è un brano interpretato e inciso da Bella Thorne, nata Annabella Avery Thorne, pubblicato come singolo nel 2014 e che, inizialmente, avrebbe dovuto far parte dell'album d'esordio per l'artista della Florida (idea in seguito accantonata). Scritta da Pär Westerlund, Rickard Göransson e Skyler Stonestreet, è una vivace e simpatica ballata pop dal sound elettronico e dal ritmo incalzante; l'incontro perfetto tra melodia orecchiabile e leggerezza.
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