Right in Two
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Right in Two: Chords
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!Intro: REm SIbadd9 SOL5 DO REm SIbadd9 SOL5 DO Angels on the sideline REm SIbadd9 SOL5 Puzzled and amused DO REm SIbadd9 SOL5 DO Why did Father give these humans free will? REm SIbadd9 SOL5 DO Now they're all confused REm SIbadd9 Don't these talking monkeys know that SOL5 DO REm SIbadd9 SOL5 DO Eden has enough to go around? REm SIbadd9 SOL5 Plenty in this holy garden, silly monkeys DO REm SIbadd9 SOL5 Where there's one you're bound to divide it DO REm DO/RE REm DO/RE Right in two REm DO/RE REm DO/RE REm SIb7+ SOLm9 DOadd9 Angels on the sideline, REm SIb7+ SOLm9 DOadd9 Baffled and confused REm SIb7+ SOLm9 DOadd9 Father blessed them all with reason, REm SIb7+ SOLm9 DOadd9 And this is what they choose? REm SIb7+ SOLm9 Monkey killing monkey killing monkey over DOadd9 REm SIb7+ SOLm9 DOadd9 Pieces of the ground REm Silly monkeys SIb7+ SOLm9 Give them thumbs, they forge a blade DOadd9 REm SIb7+ SOLm9 And where there's one they're bound to divide it DO REm DO/RE REm Right in two DO/RE REm DO/RE RE5 DO/RE Right in two REm SIb7+ SOLm9 Monkey killing monkey killing monkey over DOadd9 REm SIb7+ SOLm9 DOadd9 Pieces of the ground REm Silly monkeys SIb7+ SOLm9 Give them thumbs, they make a club DOadd9 REm SIb7+ SOLm9 DO To beat their brother down REm SIb5 SOL5 DO5 RE5 How they've survived so misguided is a mystery SIbadd9 SOLm9 DOadd9 RE5 SIb5 Repugnant is a creature SOL5 DO who would squander the ability RE5 SIbadd9 To lift an eye to heaven, FA5 SOL5 conscious of his fleeting time here RE5 SIb5 DO5 SOL5 Gotta divide it all right in two RE5 SIb5 DO5 SOL5 Gotta divide it all right in two RE5 SIb5 DO5 SOL5 Gotta divide it all right in two RE5 SIb5 DO5 SOL5 Gotta divide it all right in two RE5 RE5 Fight till they die over sun, over sky They fight till they die over sea, over air They fight till they die over blood, over love They fight till they die over words, polarizing RE5 RE5 SIb5 SOL5 Angels on the sideline again RE5 SIb5 SOL5 Benched along with patience and reason RE5 SIb5 SOL5 DO5 Angels on the sideline again RE5 SIb5 FA5 SOL5 Wondering where this tug of war will end... RE5 SIb5 DO5 SOL5 Gotta divide it all right in two RE5 SIb5 DO5 SOL5 Gotta divide it all right in two RE5 SIb5 DO5 SOL5 Gotta divide it all right in two RE5 SIb5 DO5 Right in two... REm SIbadd9 FAadd9 DO REm DO/RE REm DO/RE Right in two REm DO/RE REm DO/RE REm
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Right in Two: Video
Right in Two è un brano composto e inciso dai Tool, contenuto nell'album 10,000 Days pubblicato nel 2006. Quarto disco di inediti per la band di Los Angeles, prende spunto nel titolo dalla vita di Judith Marie Garrison, la madre del frontman Maynard James Keenan morta nel 2003 dopo ben ventisette anni di paralisi. La canzone è la decima traccia dell'album, un pezzo che arricchisce sapientemente il sound tipico del rock con alcune percussioni dal gusto esotico come le Tabla. Buon lavoro!
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