Meet Virginia
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Meet Virginia: Chords
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!SOL DO She doesn't own a dress, LAm RE DO her hair is always a mess SOL DO SOL/SI If you catch her stealin', she won't confess LAm LAm/SOL RE/FA# She's beautiful, SOL DO she smokes a pack a day, LAm RE wait that's me, but anyway SOL DO SOL/SI She doesn't care a thing about that, hey LAm LAm/SOL RE/FA# She thinks I'm beautiful SOL DO LAm RE Meet Virginia SOL DO LAm RE/FA# SOL DO She never compromises, LAm RE DO loves babies and surprises SOL DO SOL/SI Wears hi-heels when she exercises LAm LAm/SOL RE Ain't that beautiful SOL DO LAm RE/FA# Meet Virginia MIm DOadd9 DO/RE MIm7 Well she wants to be the Queen DOadd9 MIm7 Then she thinks about her scene DOadd9 DO/RE MIm7 Pulls her hair back as she screams DOadd9 DO/RE I don't really wanna be the queen SOL DO Her daddy wrestles alligators, LAm RE DO Mama works on carburetors SOL DO SOL/SI Her brother is a fine LAm LAm/SOL RE mediator for the President SOL DO LAm Well here she is again on the phone RE SOL Just like me hates to be alone DO SOL/SI LAm We just like to sit at home, LAm/SOL RE/FA# and rip on the President SOL DO LAm RE/FA# Meet Virginia MIm DOadd9 DO/RE MIm7 Well she wants to live her life DOadd9 MIm7 Then she thinks about her life DOadd9 DO/RE MIm7 Pulls her hair back as she screams DOadd9 DO/RE MIm7 I don't really wanna live this life DOadd9 MIm7 DOadd9 MIm7 DOadd9 DO/RE MIm7 DOadd9 DO/RE SOL DO LAm RE SOL DO LAm RE SOL DO SOL/SI LAm She only drinks coffee at midnight, RE DO when the moment is not SOL DO SOL/SI LAm LAm/SOL RE/FA# Right, her timing is quite unusual SOL DO LAm You see her confidence is tragic, RE SOL but her intuition magic DO SOL/SI LAm LAm/SOL RE/FA# And the shape of her body unusual SOL Meet Virgina I can't wait to Meet Virginia, yeah e yeah hey hey hey MIm DOadd9 DO/RE MIm7 Well she wants to be the Queen DOadd9 MIm7 Then she thinks about her scene MIm DOadd9 DO/RE MIm7 Well she wants to live her life DOadd9 MIm7 Then she thinks about her life DOadd9 DO/RE MIm7 Pulls her hair back as she screams DOadd9 I don't really wanna be the queen MIm7 DOadd9 DO/RE I, I don't really wanna be the queen MIm7 DOadd9 I, I don't really wanna be the queen MIm7 DOadd9 RE4 I, I don't really wanna live this
Autori: James Stafford, James W Stafford, Pat Monahan, Robert Hotchkiss, Robert S HotchkissCopyright: © EMI MUSIC PUBLISHING
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Meet Virginia: Video
Meet Virginia è un brano composto e inciso dai Train, contenuto nell'album eponimo pubblicato nel 1998. Disco d'esordio per la band californiana, si rivela un grande successo internazionale e solo negli Stati Uniti si aggiudica un milione di copie vendute... un risultato incredibile se pensiamo che è stato autoprodotto con soli 25,000 dollari! La canzone è la traccia d'apertura dell'album nonché il secondo singolo da esso estratto; il testo descrive la donna ideale che si è sempre sognato di incontrare.
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