Electrical Storm
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Electrical Storm: Chords
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!Intro: FA#m LA MI SI FA#m LA MI SI FA#m The sea it swells like a sore head LA MI SI FA#m and the night it is aching LA MI SI FA#m Two lovers lie with no sheets on their bed LA MI SI FA#m And the day it is breaking LA MI SI FA#m On rainy days we'd go swimming out LA MI SI FA#m On rainy days swimming in the sound LA MI SI FA#m On rainy days we'd go swimming out LA MI SI FA#m You're in my mind all of the time LA MI SI FA#m I know that's not enough LA MI SI FA#m If the sky can crack there must be someway back LA MI SI FA#m LA For love and only love MI SI FA#m LA Electrical Storm MI SI FA#m LA MI Electrical Storm SI FA#m LA MI SI Baby don't cry FA#m LA MI SI FA#m Car alarm won't let you back to sleep LA MI SI FA#m You're kept awake dreaming someone elses dream LA MI SI FA#m Coffee is cold but it'll get you through LA MI SI FA#m LA Compromise that's nothing new to you MI SI FA#m Let's see colours that have never been seen LA MI SI RE Let's go places no one else has been MI LA DO#m You're in my mind all of the time RE I know that's not enough MI Well if the sky can crack LA DO#m there must be someway back RE MI6 To love and only loveFA#m LA RE MI6 Electrical storm FA#m LA RE MI6 Electrical storm FA#m LA SI Electrical stormFA#m LA MI SI Baby don't cry FA#m LA MI SI FA#m LA MI SI It's hot as hell, honey in this room FA#m LA MI SI Sure hope the weather will break soon FA#m LA MI SI The air is heavy, heavy as a truck FA#m LA MI SI We need the rain to wash away our bad luckRE MI DO#m RE MI Well if the sky can crack LA DO#m there must be some way back RE MI6 To love and only love FA#m LA RE MI6 Electrical storm FA#m LA RE MI6 Electrical storm FA#m LA SI Electrical stormFA DO MIm LA MIm LA MIm Baby don't cry LA MIm Baby don't cry LA MIm Baby don't cry LA MIm LA MIm Baby don't cry
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Electrical Storm: Video
Electrical Storm è un brano scritto e inciso dagli U2, contenuto nell'album The Best of 1990-2000 pubblicato nel 2002. Si tratta della seconda raccolta di successi per la band irlandese, contenente anche due inediti. La canzone è proprio uno di questi e parla di una coppia in preda a liti, tensioni e gelosie... stati d'animo che non sono altro che delle vere e proprie "tempeste" sentimentali.
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