Sweet Jane
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Sweet Jane: Chords
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!Intro: RE LA SIm SOL LA RE LA SIm LA SOL LA RE LA SIm SOL LA RE LA SIm LA SOL LA RE LA SOL SIm LA RE Standing on the corner RE LA SOL SIm LA RE suitcase in my hand RE LA SOL SIm LA Jack is in his coat, and Jane is in her vest, RE LA SOL SIm LA and me I'm in a rock'n'roll band Hah! RE LA SOL SIm LA Ridin' in a Stutz-Bearcat, Jim RE LA SOL SIm LA Y'know, those were different times! RE LA SOL SIm LA Oh, all the poets they studied rules of verse RE LA SOL SIm LA And those.. ladies, they rolled their eyes RE SOL RE Sweet Jane! Whoa! SOL RE SOL Sweet Jane, oh-oh-a! Sweet Jane! RE LA SOL SIm LA I'll tell you something Jack, he is a banker RE LA SOL SIm LA And Jane, she is a clerk RE LA SOL SIm LA And both of them save their monies, ha RE LA SOL SIm LA And when, when they come home from work RE LA SOL SIm LA Ooooh, sittin' down by the fire, oh! RE LA SOL SIm LA RE The radio does play the classical music there, Jim LA SOL SIm LA RE "The March of the Wooden Soldiers" all you protest kids LA SOL SIm LA RE You can hear Jack say, get ready, ah RE SOL RE Sweet Jane! Whoa! SOL RE SOL Sweet Jane, oh-oh-a! Sweet Jane! RE LA SOL SIm LA RE Some people, they like to go out dancing LA SOL SIm LA RE And other peoples, they have to work, Just watch me now! LA SOL SIm LA And there's even some evil mothers RE LA SOL SIm LA Well they're gonna tell you that everything is just dirt RE LA SOL SIm LA Y'know that, women, never really faint RE LA SOL SIm LA And that villains always blink their eyes, woo! LA SOL SIm LA And that, y'know, children are the only ones who blush! RE LA SOL SIm LA And that, life is just to die! RE LA SOL SIm LA And, everyone who ever had a heart RE LA SOL SIm LA They wouldn't turn around and break it RE LA SOL SIm LA And anyone who ever played a part RE LA SOL SIm LA Oh they wouldn't turn around and hate it! RE SOL RE Sweet Jane! Whoa! SOL RE SOL Sweet Jane, oh-oh-a! Sweet Jane!RE DO#m Heavenly wine and roses SOL# LA Seemed to whisper to her SI when he smiled RE DO#m Heavenly wine and roses SOL# LA seemed to whisper to her SI hey baby she smiled MI SI La la la la la la RE LA La la la la la la MI SI La la la la la la RE LA La la la la la laRE SOL Sweet Jane Sweet Jane RE SOL Sweet Jane Sweet Jane RE Sweet Jane…
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Sweet Jane: Video
Sweet Jane è un brano composto e inciso dai The Velvet Underground, contenuto nell'album Loaded pubblicato nel 1970. Quarto lavoro in studio per la band statunitense, è l'ennesimo tentativo di produrre un disco potenzialmente commerciale, tentativo che nasce dalla pressione della casa discografica. La canzone, come le altre, è opera di Lou Reed, che nel frattempo aveva già lasciato il gruppo. La canzone, comunque, è uno dei loro grandi classici.
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