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Heroin: Chords
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!Intro: DO# FA# DO# FA# DO# FA# DO# FA# DO# FA# DO# FA# DO# FA# DO# FA# DO# FA# DO# FA# I.. don't know... DO# FA# DO# FA# just where I'm going DO# FA# DO# FA# DO# But I'm... gonna try for the kingdom if I can FA# DO# Cos it makes me feel like I'm a man FA# DO# When I put a spike into my vein FA# DO# And I tell ya things aren't quite the same FA# DO# When I'm rushing on my run FA# DO# And I feel just like Jesus' son FA# DO# And I guess that I just don't know FA# DO# And I guess that I just don't know... Strumentale: FA# DO# FA# DO# FA# DO# FA# I...... have made... DO# FA# DO# FA# a big decision DO# FA# DO# FA# DO# I'm.... gonna try.... to nullify my life FA# DO# Cos when the blood begins to flow FA# DO# And it shoots up the dropper's neck FA# DO# When I'm closing in on death Strumentale: FA# DO# FA# DO# FA# DO# You can't help me not you guys FA# DO# Oh, all you sweet girls with all your sweet talk FA# DO# You can all go take a walk FA# DO# And I guess that I just don't know FA# DO# And I guess that I just don't know... FA# DO# FA# DO# FA# DO# FA# I.... wish that.... DO# FA# DO# FA# I was born a thousand years ago DO# FA# DO# FA# DO# I... wish that... I'd sailed the darkened seas FA# DO# On a great big clipper ship FA# DO# Going from this land here to that FA# DO# Oh, in a sailor's suit and cap FA# DO# FA# DO# FA# DO# Away from the big city FA# DO# Where a man can not be free FA# DO# Of all the evils of this town FA# DO# And of himself and those around FA# DO# Oh, and I guess that I just don't know FA# DO# Oh, and I guess that I just don't know FA# DO# FA# DO# FA# DO# FA# Her______ oin.... DO# FA# DO# FA# it'll be the death of me DO# FA# DO# FA# DO# Her______ oin... it's my wife, and it's my life FA# DO# Because a mainline to my vein FA# DO# Leads to a center in my head FA# DO# And then I'm better off as dead FA# DO# FA# DO# FA# DO# FA# DO# FA# DO# FA# DO# FA# DO# Cos when the smack begins to flow FA# DO# Oh, I really don't care anymore FA# DO# 'Bout all the jim-jims in this town FA# DO# And all the politicians making crazy sounds FA# DO# And everybody puttin' everybody else down FA# DO# And all the dead bodies piled up in Nam Strumentale: FA# DO# FA# DO# FA# DO# FA# DO# FA# DO# FA# DO# FA# DO# FA# DO# FA# DO# Cos when the smack begins to flow FA# DO# And I really don't care anymore Strumentale: FA# DO# FA# DO# FA# DO# When that heroin is in my blood FA# DO# And the blood is in my head FA# DO# Then I thank God that I'm as good as dead FA# DO# And thank your God that I'm not aware FA# DO# And thank God that I just don't care FA# DO# And I guess that I just don't know FA# DO# And I guess that I just don't know Strumentale: FA# DO# FA# DO# FA# DO# FA# DO#
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Heroin: Video
Come da titolo, Heroin è una canzone sull'uso ed abuso dell'eroina, composta da Lou Reed nel 1964 ed incisa dai Velvet Underground con l'album The Velvet Underground & Nico (1967). La sua struttura è di una semplicità disarmante, essendo interamente composta da soli due accordi: riguardo a questo, è esemplare la descrizione apparsa all'epoca sul magazine Rolling Stone "non ci vuole molto per fare una grande canzone". Oltre all'originale furono incise altre 2 differenti versioni di Heroin, ciascuna registrata ad un anno di distanza ('65 e '66).
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