Venus in Furs
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Venus in Furs: Chords
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!DO#m DO#m9 DO#m DO#m9 DO#m DO#m9 DO#m DO#m9 DO#m SOL#4/DO# DO#m7 SOL#m7/4 Shiny, shiny, shiny boots of leather DO#m SOL#4/DO# MI7 SOL#7/4 Whiplash girlchild in the dark DO#m SOL#4/DO# MI7 SOL#m7/4 Clubs and bells, your servant, dont forsake him DO#m SOL#4/DO# MI7 SOL#7 DO#m Strike, dear mistress, and cure his heart DO#m DO#m9 DO#m DO#m9 DO#m DO#m9 DO#m DO#m9 DO#m SOL#4/DO# MI7 SOL#m7/4 Downy sins of streetlight fancies DO#m SOL#4/DO# MI7 SOL#7/4 Chase the costumes she shall wear DO#m SOL#4/DO# MI7 SOL#m7/4 Ermine furs adorn the imperious DO#m SOL#4/DO# MI7 SOL#7 DO#m Severin, severin awaits you there MI7 LA SI7/9+ MI I am tired, I am weary LA SI7/9+ MI7 I could sleep for a thousand years LA SI7/9+ MI7 A thousand dreams that would awake me DO#m MI7 DO#m Different colors made of tears DO#m DO#m9 DO#m DO#m9 DO#m DO#m9 DO#m DO#m9 DO#m SOL#4/DO# MI7 SOL#m7/4 Kiss the boot of shiny, shiny leather DO#m SOL#4/DO# MI7 SOL#7/4 Shiny leather in the dark DO#m SOL#4/DO# MI7 SOL#m7/4 Tongue of thongs, the belt that does await you DO#m SOL#4/DO# MI7 SOL#7 DO#m Strike, dear mistress, and cure his heart DO#m DO#m9 DO#m DO#m9 DO#m DO#m9 DO#m DO#m9 DO#m SOL#4/DO# MI7 SOL#m7/4 Severin, severin, speak so slightly DO#m SOL#4/DO# MI7 SOL#7/4 Severin, down on your bended knee DO#m SOL#4/DO# MI7 SOL#m7/4 Taste the whip, in love not given lightly DO#m SOL#4/DO# MI7 SOL#7 DO#m Taste the whip, now please for me DO#m DO#m9 DO#m DO#m9 DO#m DO#m9 DO#m DO#m9 MI7 LA SI7/9+ MI I am tired, I am weary LA SI7/9+ MI7 I could sleep for a thousand years LA SI7/9+ MI7 A thousand dreams that would awake me DO#m MI7 DO#m Different colors made of tears DO#m DO#m9 DO#m DO#m9 DO#m DO#m9 DO#m DO#m9 DO#m SOL#4/DO# DO#m7 SOL#m7/4 Shiny, shiny, shiny boots of leather DO#m SOL#4/DO# MI7 SOL#7/4 Whiplash girlchild in the dark DO#m SOL#4/DO# Severin, your servant MI7 SOL#m7/4 comes in bells, please don't forsake him DO#m SOL#4/DO# MI7 SOL#7 DO#m Strike, dear mistress, and cure his heart DO#m DO#m9 DO#m DO#m9 DO#m DO#m9 DO#m DO#m9
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Venus in Furs: Video
Venus in Furs è un brano inciso dai The Velvet Underground, contenuto nell'album The Velvet Underground & Nico pubblicato nel 1967. Disco d'esordio per la storica band statunitense, è registrato con la collaborazione vocale di Nico, cantante di Colonia. La canzone, scritta dal mitico Lou Reed, trae ispirazione dal romanzo di Leopold von Sacher-Masoch "Venere in pelliccia", scritto nel 1870. Il tema centrale è il sadomasochismo.
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