Dead And Lovely
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Dead And Lovely: Chords
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!Intro: DOm LAb7 SOL7 DOm DOm She was a middle class girl She was in over her head FAm She thought she could DOm Stand up in the deep end He had a bullet proof smile He had money to burn FAm She thought she had the moon DOm In her pocket But now she's dead LAb7 DOm LAb7 She's so dead DOm LAb7 SOL7 DOm Forever dead and love-ly now FAm REb7 I've always been told to FAm REb DOm Remember this... LAb Don't let a fool kiss you RE9 SOL7 Never marry for love DOm He was hard to impress He knew everyone's secrets FAm He wore her on his arm DOm Just like jewelry He never gave but he got He kept her on a leash FAm He's not the kind of wheel DOm You fall asleep at But now she's dead LAb7 DOm LAb7 Forever dead DOm LAb7 SOL7 DOm Forever dead and love-ly now FAm REb7 FAm Come closer, look deeper REb7 You've fallen fast DOm LAb7 Just like a plane on a RE9 SOL7 Stormy sea DOm She made up someone to be She made up somewhere to be from FAm This is one business in the World where that's no DOm Problem at all Everything that is left They will only plow under FAm Soon every one you know DOm Will be gone And now she's dead LAb7 DOm LAb7 Forever dead DOm LAb7 SOL7 DOm Forever dead and love-ly now DOm FAm DOm FAm DOm LAb7 But now she's dead DOm LAb7 Forever dead DOm LAb7 SOL7 DOm Forever dead and love-ly now FAm REb7 FAm I've always been told to REb7 DOm Remember this... LAb7 Don't let a kiss fool you RE9 SOL7 Never marry for love DOm Everything has it's price Everything has it's place FAm What's more romantic DOm Then dying in the moonlight? Now they're all watching the sea What's lost can never be broken FAm Her roots were sweet DOm But they were so shallow And now she's dead LAb7 DOm LAb7 Forever dead DOm LAb7 SOL7 DOm Forever dead and love-ly now And now she's dead LAb7 DOm LAb7 Forever dead DOm LAb7 SOL7 DOm And she's so dead and love-ly now
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Dead And Lovely: Video
Dead And Lovely è un brano scritto e interpretato da Tom Waits, contenuto nell'album Real Gone pubblicato nel 2004. Sedicesimo disco di inediti per il cantautore californiano, si discosta dal suo solito sound per l'eliminazione totale del pianoforte e l'uso interessante del Beatboxing per riprodurre le ritmiche. La canzone è l'ottava traccia dell'album e, come le altre, è scritta insieme a Kathleen Brennan; una soffusa ballata folk-cantautorale ricca di atmosfera e classe.
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