God’s Away on Business
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God’s Away on Business: Chords
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!Intro: SIbm SOLb7 SIbm SOLb7 SIbm SOLb7 SIbm SOLb7 SIbm I'd sell your heart to the junkman baby SOLb7 For a buck, for a buck MIbm If you're looking for someone to pull you out of that ditch You're out of luck, you're out of luck FA7 SIbm The ship is sinking FA7 SIbm The ship is sinking FA7 SIbm The ship is sinking SOLb7 There's a leak, there's a leak, in the boiler room SIbm SOLb7 The poor, the lame, the blind SIbm Who are the ones that we kept in charge? SOLb7 Killers, thieves, and lawyers SIbm God's away, God's away, God's away on Business Business God's away, God's away, SOLb7 God's away on Business BusinessSIm Digging up the dead with a shovel and a pick It's a job, it's a job MIm Bloody moon rising with a plague and a flood Join the mob, join the mob FA#7 SIm It's all over FA#7 SIm It's all over FA#7 SIm It's all over SOL7 There's a leak, there's a leak in the boiler room SIm SOL7 The poor, the lame, the blind SIm SOL7 Who are the ones that we kept in charge? SIm SOL7 Killers, thieves, and lawyers SIm God's away, God's away, God's away on Business Business God's away, God's away on Business Business SIm SOL7 SIm SOL7 SIm SOL7 SIm SOL7 SIm SOL7 SIm SIm SOL7 God damn there's always such a big temptation SIm SOL7 To be good, To be good SIm SOL7 There's always free cheddar in a mousetrap, baby SIm SOL7 It's a deal, it's a deal SIm God's away, God's away, God's away on Business Business God's away, God's away, God's away on Business Business SIm SOL7 I narrow my eyes like a coin slot baby, SIm SOL7 Let her ring, let her ring SIm God's away, God's away, God's away on Business God's away, God's away, God's away on Business Business
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God’s Away on Business: Video
God’s Away on Business è un brano scritto e interpretato da Tom Waits, contenuto nell'album Blood Money pubblicato nel 2002. Quattordicesimo lavoro in studio per il cantautore statunitense, nasce dall'amicizia e collaborazione artistica con il regista teatrale Robert Wilson iniziata nel 1993. La canzone è una ballata in stile folk, suo marchio di fabbrica, dall'atmsofera inquietante e scura dovuta anche al suo particolare timbro vocale.
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