Ring My Bell
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Ring My Bell: Chords
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!Intro: DOm7 FAm7 DOm7 SOL7 DOm7 FAm7 DOm7 SOL7 DOm7 FAm7 I'm glad you're home DOm7 SOL7 Now did you really miss me? DOm7 FAm7 DOm7 I guess you did by the look in your eye SOL7 (Look in your eye, look in your eye) DOm7 FAm7 Well lay back and relax DOm7 SOL7 While I put away the dishes (put away the dishes) DOm7 FAm7 DOm7 SOL7 Then you and me can rock a bell DOm FAm DOm SOL7 You can ring my be----ll, ring my bell DOm FAm DOm SOL7 You can ring my be----ll, ring my bell DOm FAm DOm SOL7 You can ring my be----ll, ring my bell DOm FAm DOm SOL7 You can ring my be----ll, ring my bell DOm7 FAm7 The night is young DOm7 SOL7 And full of possibilities DOm7 FAm7 DOm7 SOL7 Well, come on and let yourself be free DOm7 FAm7 My love for you (love for you, love for you) DOm7 SOL7 So long I've been savin' DOm7 FAm7 DOm7 SOL7 Tonight was made for me and you DOm FAm DOm You can ring my be----ll, ring my bell SOL7 (Ring my bell, ding-dong-ding) DOm FAm DOm You can ring my be----ll, ring my bell SOL7 (Ring my bell, ring-a-ring-a-ring) DOm FAm DOm You can ring my be----ll, ring my bell SOL7 (Ring my bell, ding-dong-ding) DOm FAm DOm You can ring my be----ll, ring my bell SOL7 (Ring my bell, ring-a-ring-a-ring) DOm7 FAm7 DOm7 SOL7 DOm7 FAm7 DOm7 SOL7 DOm You can ring my bell FAm7 You can ring my bell DOm SOL7 (Ding, dong, ding, ah-ah, ring it) DOm FAm7 You can ring my bell, anytime, anywhere DOm SOL7 (Ring it, ring it, ring it, ring it, ow) DOm FAm7 You can ring my bell, you can ring my bell DOm SOL7 (Ding, dong, ding, ah-ah, ring it) DOm FAm7 You can ring my bell, anytime, anywhere DOm SOL7 (Ring it, ring it, ring it, ring it, ow) DOm FAm DOm You can ring my be----ll, ring my bell SOL7 (Ring my bell, ding-dong-ding) DOm FAm DOm You can ring my be----ll, ring my bell SOL7 (Ring my bell, ring-a-ring-a-ring) DOm FAm DOm You can ring my be----ll, ring my bell SOL7 (Ring my bell, ding-dong-ding) DOm FAm DOm You can ring my be----ll, ring my bell SOL7 (Ring my bell, ring-a-ring-a-ring)...
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Ring My Bell: Video
Ring My Bell è un brano interpretato e inciso da Anita Ward, contenuto nell'album Songs of Love pubblicato nel 1979. Disco d'esordio per la cantante di Memphis, d'improvviso la proietta nel mondo della musica professionale dopo l'esperienza di insegnante con tanto di laurea in psicologia. La canzone porta la firma del suo scopritore Frederick Knight; nata l'anno prima per essere incisa da Stacy Lattisaw, si rivelò l'unica vera hit internazionale della Ward. Buon divertimento con la Disco!
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