House of the Rising Sun
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House of the Rising Sun: Chords
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!FAm There is a house in Charming Town LAb DO They call the Rising Sun FAm LAb SIb REb6 And it's been the ruin of many a poor girl FAm DO7 FAm And me, Oh God, I'm one FAm LAb SIbadd9 If I listened to my mama FAm LAb DO7 Lord I'd be home today FAm LAb SIabdd9 But I was young and foolish FAm DO7 FAm Handsome rider led me astray LAb SIbadd9 Go tell my baby sister FAm LAb DO7 Never do what I've done FAm LAb SIabdd9 REb6 To shun the house in Charming Town FAm DO7 FAm They call the Rising Sun FAm LAb SIbadd9 REb My Mother, she's a tailor FAm LAb DO7 She sewed my new blue jeans FAm LAb SIbadd9 REb My sweetheart he's a rambler FAm DO7 FAm Lord he rides an old machine FAm LAb SIbadd9 REb FAm LAb DO7 FAm LAb SIbadd9 REb FAm DO7 FAm FAm LAb SIbadd9 REb Now the only thing a rambler needs FAm LAb DO7 Is a suitcase and a gun FAm LAb SIbadd9 REb The only time he's satisfied FAm DO7 FAm Is when he's on the run LAb SIbadd9 REb He fills his chamber up with lead FAm LAb DO7 And takes his pain to town FAm LAb SIbadd9 REb Only pleasure he gets out of life FAm DO7 FAm Is bringing another man down FAm LAb SIb5 REb FAm LAb DO7 FAm LAb SIbadd9 REb FAm DO7 FAm FAm LAb SIbadd9 REb He's got one hand on the throttle FAm LAb DO7 The other on the brake FAm LAb SIbadd9 SIbm7 He's riding back to Redwood FAm DO7 FAm On his father's stake LAb SIb REbadd9 And me I wait in Charming Town FAm LAb DO7 To gain my love as one FAm LAb SIb REb I'm staying here to end my life FAm DO7 FAm Down in the Rising Sun FAm LAb SIbadd9 REb FAm DO7 FAm LAb SIb REb And I'm staying here to end my life FAm DO7 FAm Down in the Rising Sun
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House of the Rising Sun: Video
House of the Rising Sun è un brano celebre reinterpretato da Jake Smith, noto come The White Buffalo, con la versione incisa nel 2011. L'artista dell'Oregon realizza la sua particolare versione per la colonna sonora della serie televisiva "Songs of Anarchy", collaborando con i Forest Rangers. Si tratta di una canzone che ha origine nel repertorio folk delle Broadside ballad statunitensi; fu portata al successo nel 1964 grazie agli Animals e racconta di una vita finita male tra i vicoli di New Orleans.
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