Icky Thump
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Icky Thump: Chords
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!Intro: MIm RE MIm RE MIm Iiiiiiiieeeeeee Icky thump Who'da thunk? RE Sittin' drunk on a wagon to Mexico MIm Ah well What a chump Well my head got a bump RE When I hit it on the radio MIm Redhead señorita Looking dead Came and said "need a bed?" RE En Español MIm I said "Gimme a drink a water I'm gonna 'sing around the collar' RE And I don't need a microphone" e|---------------------------| B|---------------------------| G|---------------------------| D|--2--7--5-4-----------x-5--| A|--2---------5-5--4-0--x-5--| E|--0-------------------x-3--| e|----------------------------| B|----------------------------| G|--------------7--6----------| D|--2--7--5-4--------7--2-5---| A|--2---------5---------2-5---| E|--0-------------------0-3---| e|----------------------------| B|----------------------------| G|----------------------------| D|--2--7--5-4-----------2-5---| A|--2---------5-5--4-0--2-5---| E|--0-------------------0-3---| e|---------------------------| B|---------------------------| G|--------------7--9--7-9----| D|--2--7--5-4---7--9--7-9----| A|--2---------5-5--7--5-7----| E|--0------------------------| MIm RE MIm RE MIm Icky thump With a lump in my throat Grabbed my coat And I was freaking RE I was ready to go! MIm And I swear Besides the hair She had one white eye One blank stare Lookin' up RE Lyin' there MIm On the stand Near her hand Was a candy cane Black rum, sugar cane RE Dry ice (and) something strange MIm La la, la la la la la la la la la laaa laaa laaa MIm RE MIm RE MIm White Americans, what? Nothing better to do? Why don't you kick yourself out? RE You're an immigrant too? MIm Who's usin' who? What should we do? Well you can't be a pimp RE MIm RE And a prostitute too MIm Icky thump, handcuffed to a bunk Robbed blind Looked around RE And there was nobody else MIm Left alone I hit myself with a stone Went home RE And learned how to clean up after myself
Generato su Accordi e Spartiti - www.accordiespartiti.it
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Icky Thump: Video
Icky Thump è un brano scritto e inciso dai The White Stripes, contenuto nell'album omonimo pubblicato nel 2007. Sesto lavoro in studio per la band statunitense, riscuote ottimo successo negli USA dove si aggiudicano oltre 700,000 copie vendute. La canzone è il brano d'apertura del disco nonché il primo singolo estratto. Un pezzo rock che nel sound ricorda le rock-band degli anni '70.
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