Here I Go Again
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Here I Go Again: Chords
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!Intro: SOL RE DO SOL RE DO SOL RE DO I don't know where I'm going SOL RE DO But I sure know where I've been SOL RE/FA# Hanging on the promises DO/MI DO SOL/SI LAm In songs of yesterday RE LAm And I've made up my mind, RE I ain't wasting no more time MIm LAm Here I go again DO SOL MIm LAm DO RE Here I go again SOL RE DO Though I keep searching for an answer, SOL RE DO I never seem to find what I'm looking for SOL RE/FA# Oh, Lord, I pray DO/MI DO SOL/SI LAm You give me strength to carry on, RE 'Cause I know what it means LAm7 RE DO RE To walk along the lonely street of dreams SOL DO RE DO RE Here I go again on my own SOL DO RE DO RE Goin' down the only road I've ever known, SOL DO RE DO RE Like a hobo I was born to walk alone LAm7 RE LAm7 But I've made up my mind RE DO RE I ain't wasting no more time SOL RE/SOL DO/SOL Just another heart in need of rescue, SOL RE/SOL DO/SOL Waiting on love's sweet charity SOL RE/FA# I am gonna hold on DO/MI DO SOL/SI LAm For the rest of my days, RE 'Cause I know what it means LAm RE DO RE To walk along the lonely street of dreams SOL DO RE DO RE Here I go again on my own SOL DO RE DO RE Goin' down the only road I've ever known, SOL DO RE DO RE Like a hobo I was born to walk alone LAm7 RE LAm7 But I've made up my mind RE DO RE I ain't wasting no more time DO RE MIm LAm But here I go again, MIm LAm Here I go again, RE MIm LAm Here I go again, MIm LAm DO RE Here I go... SOL RE/SOL DO/SOL SOL RE/SOL DO/SOL SOL RE/FA# DO/MI DO SOL/SI LAm RE 'Cause I know what it means LAm RE DO RE To walk along the lonely street of dreams SOL DO RE DO RE Here I go again on my own SOL DO RE DO RE Goin' down the only road I've ever known, SOL DO RE DO RE Like a hobo I was born to walk alone LAm7 RE LAm7 But I've made up my mind RE DO RE I ain't wasting no more time SOL DO RE DO RE Here I go again on my own SOL DO RE DO RE Goin' down the only road I've ever known, SOL DO RE DO SOL/SI Like a hobo I was born to walk alone RE 'Cause I know what it means LAm RE DO RE To walk along the lonely street of dreams...
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Here I Go Again: Video
Here I Go Again è un brano scritto e inciso dai Whitesnake, contenuto nell'album Saints & Sinners pubblicato nel 1982. Quinto lavoro in studio per la band londinese, riscuote discreto successo specialmente in terra natia, aggiudicandosi oltre 60,000 copie vendute. la canzone, come le altre del disco, è scritta da David Coverdale e Bernie Marsden, rispettivamente cantante e chitarrista del gruppo. Anche se l'album non ottiene popolarità internazionale, il brano è uno dei più conosciuti del loro repertorio.
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