Love Ain’t No Stranger
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Love Ain’t No Stranger: Chords
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!Intro: REadd9/FA# SOL LA SIm REadd9/FA# SOL LA SIm REadd9/FA# SOL LA SIm Who knows where the cold wind blows, REadd9/FA# SOL LA SIm I ask my friends, but, nobody knows REadd9/FA# SOL LA SIm Who am I to believe in love, MIm7 LA REadd9/FA# SOL LA SIm Oh, love ain't no stranger REadd9/FA# SOL LA SIm REadd9/FA# SOL LA SIm I looked around an' what did I see REadd9/FA# SOL LA SIm Broken hearted people staring at me, REadd9/FA# SOL LA SIm All searching 'cos they still believe, MIm7 LA SIm LA MI Oh, love ain't no stranger SIm I was alone an' I needed love MI RE SIm So much I sacrificed all I was dreaming of, I heard no warning, but, a heart can tell MI RE SIm I'd feel the emptiness of love I know so well SOL RE LA Love ain't no stranger, SOL RE LA I ain't no stranger SOL RE LA SOL RE LA Love ain't no stranger, SIm LA MI I ain't no stranger to love, no, no, no SIm Can't hold the passion of a soul in need, MI RE SIm I look for mercy when my heart begins to bleed I know good loving an' I'm a friend of pain, MI RE SIm But, when I read between the lines it's all the same SOL RE LA Love ain't no stranger, SOL RE LA I ain't no stranger SOL RE LA SOL RE LA Love ain't no stranger, REadd9/FA# SOL LA SIm I ain't no stranger to love, REadd9/FA# SOL LA SIm REadd9/FA# SOL LA SIm REadd9/FA# SOL LA SIm REadd9/FA# SOL LA SIm REadd9/FA# SOL LA SIm REadd9/FA# SOL LA SIm RE/FA# SOL LA REadd9/FA# SOL LA SIm So who knows where the cold wind blows, REadd9/FA# SOL LA SIm I ask my friends, but, nobody knows REadd9/FA# SOL LA SIm Who am I to believe in love, MIm7 LA Lord, have mercy, SIm LA MI Love ain't no stranger, SIm LA MI I ain't no stranger SIm I was alone an' I needed love MI RE SIm So much I sacrificed all I was dreaming of, Can't hold the passion of a soul in need, MI RE SIm I look for mercy when my heart begins to bleed SOL RE LA Love ain't no stranger, SOL RE LA I ain't no stranger SOL RE LA SOL RE LA Love ain't no stranger, REadd9/FA# SOL LA SIm I ain't no stranger to love, REadd9/FA# SOL LA SIm Love ain't no stranger, REadd9/FA# SOL LA SIm Love ain't no stranger, RE/FA# SOL LA SIm SIm7/4 ...I ain't no stranger...
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Love Ain’t No Stranger: Video
Love Ain't No Stranger è un brano composto e inciso dai Whitesnake, contenuto nell'album Slide It In pubblicato nel 1984. Sesto lavoro discografico per la band inglese, riscuote grande successo a livello internazionale aggiudicandosi, solo negli USA, oltre due milioni di copie vendute. La canzone è il quarto singolo estratto e porta la firma del cantante David Coverdale e del chitarrista Mel Galley. Una power-ballad diventata hit immancabile durante i loro concerti.
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