Country State of Mind
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Country State of Mind: Chords
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!Intro: RE RE That hot, old summer sun SOL SOL7 RE Make you beg for your next breath So, you best be on the creek bank LA Laying in the shade RE Chewing on a hickory twig SOL SOL/FA RE Pass that bottle, I'll have me a swig LA RE I ain't got a lot but I think I got it made In the shade SOL RE I'm just laid up here in a country state of mind Catching these fish like they're going out of style LA Drinking this homemade wine RE Hey, if the sun don't come up tomorrow SOL SOL/FA RE People, I have had a good time LA RE I'm just laid up here in a country state of mind I bet the old man's in the kitchen SOL SOL/FA RE He's got my kind of music on his radi-----o Aah, drinking his beer and LA Dialing up the request lines RE Mama and old Aunt Joan probably in the SOL RE Dining room trying to use the phone LA RE Me, I'm thinking about that girl and later tonight SOL RE I'm just laid up here in a country state of mind I'm catching these fish like they're going out of style LA I'm drinking this homemade wine RE And if the sun don't come up tomorrow SOL SOL/FA RE People, I have had a good time LA RE I'm just laid up here in a country state of mindMI MI You know the rednecks and the preppies LA LA/SOL MI They're in their discos and honky----tonks SI Somewhere between raising hell and Amazing Grace MI Lord, I know just how they feel LA LA/SOL MI You gotta get out and kick it up your heels SI MI And ain't it great to be living in the USA LA Me, I'm laid up here in a MI Country state of mind Catching these fish like they're going out of style SI Drinking this homemade wine, all the time MI If the sun don't shine tomorrow LA LA/SOL MI People, I have had a good time SI MI I'm just laid up here in a country state of mind... MI SI MI
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Country State of Mind: Video
Country State of Mind è un brano scritto e interpretato da Hank Williams Jr., contenuto nell'album Montana Cafe pubblicato nel 1986. Trentanovesimo lavoro in studio per il cantautore statunitense, riscuote grande successo tra gli amanti del genere country tanto da arrivare in cima alla classifica "Top Country Albums". La canzone è il brano d'apertura dell'album ed è scritta insieme al collega Roger Alan Wade; un pezzo che ci porta con la mente nelle strade della Louisiana!
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