Silly Love Songs
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Silly Love Songs: Chords
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!Intro: DO MIm7 FA DO MIm7 FA DO MIm7 FA DO MIm7 You'd think that people would have FA7+ had enough of silly love songs DO But I look around me MIm7 FA7+ And I see it isn't so DO MIm7 Some people want to fill the world FA7+ With silly love songs MIm7 And what's wrong with that? FA7+ I'd like to know SOL REm7 SOL Cos here I go again DO MIm7 FA7+ DO MIm7 FA7+ I love you, I love you DO MIm7 FA7+ DO MIm7 FA7+ I love you, I love you DO MIm7 Ah, I can't explain FA7+ The feeling's plain to me Now can't you see? DO MIm7 Ah, she gave me more FA7+ She gave it all to me Now can't you see? MIm7 What's wrong with that? FA7+ I need to know MIm7 REm7 SOL Cos here I go again DO MIm7 FA7+ DO MIm7 FA7+ I love you, I love you DO MIm7 FA7+ DO MIm7 FA7+ I love you, I love you MIm7 LAm Love doesn't come in a minute RE DO Sometimes it doesn't come at all MIm7 LAm I only know that when I'm in it REm7 It isn't silly, no, it isn't silly FA/SOL Love isn't silly at all DO MIm7 FA7+ DO MIm7 FA7+ DO MIm7 FA7+ DO MIm7 FA7+ DO MIm7 FA7+ How can I tell you about my loved one? DO MIm7 FA7+ How can I tell you about my loved one? DO MIm7 FA7+ How can I tell you about my loved one? DO MIm7 FA7+ How can I tell you about my loved one? DO MIm7 FA7+ DO MIm7 FA7+ DO MIm7 FA7+ DO MIm7 FA7+ DO MIm7 FA7+ DO MIm7 FA7+ I love you, I love you DO MIm7 FA7+ DO MIm7 FA7+ I love you, I love you (Ah, I can't explain The feeling's plain to me Say, can't you see? Ah, he gave me more He gave it all to me Say, can't you see?) DO MIm7 Ah, I can't explain FA7+ The feeling's plain to me Say, can't you see? DO MIm7 Ah, he gave me more FA7+ He gave it all to me Say, can't you see? DO MIm7 Ah, I can't explain FA7+ The feeling's plain to me Say, can't you see? DO MIm7 Ah, he gave me more FA7+ He gave it all to me Say, can't you see? DO MIm7 FA7+ DO MIm7 You'd think that people would have FA7+ had enough of silly love songs DO But I look around me MIm7 FA7+ and I see it isn't so, oh no, DO MIm7 Some people want to fill the world FA7+ With silly love songs MIm7 And what's wrong with that?
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Silly Love Songs: Video
Silly Love Songs è un brano inciso dai Wings, contenuto nell'album Wings at the Speed of Sound pubblicato nel 1976. Quarto lavoro in studio per la band capitanata da Paul McCartney, viene realizzato durante un lungo e fortunato tour mondiale che promuoveva il disco precedente Venus and Mars. La canzone porta la firma dell'artista di Liverpool ed è il primo singolo estratto; un pezzo in stile "Disco" che nasce da alcune critiche sul suo stile compositivo di allora... ritenuto troppo semplicistico.
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