Owner of a Lonely Heart
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Owner of a Lonely Heart: Chords
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!Intro: LA5 SI5 DO5 RE5 LA5 SI5 DO5 RE5 LA5 SI5 DO5 RE5 SOL5 LA5 SI5 DO5 RE5 LA5 SI5 DO5 RE5 SOL5 LA5 SI5 DO5 RE5 LA5 SI5 DO5 RE5 SOL5 LA5 DO5 RE5 Move yourself SOL5 You always live your life LA5 DO5 RE5 SOL5 Never thinking of the future LA5 DO5 RE5 Prove yourself SOL5 You are the move you make LA5 DO5 RE5 SOL5 Take your chances, win or loser LA5 DO5 RE5 See yourself SOL5 You are the steps you take LA5 DO5 RE5 SOL5 You and you, and that's the only way LA5 DO5 RE5 Shake, shake yourself SOL5 You're every move you make LA5 DO5 RE5 SOL5 So the story goes LAm9 DO REadd9 SOL Owner of a lonely heart LAm9 DO REadd9 SOL Owner of a lonely heart SOL (Much better than a) LAm9 DO REadd9 SOL Owner of a broken heart LAm9 DO REadd9 Owner of a lonely heart LA5 DO5 RE5 SOL5 Say, you don't want to chance it LA5 DO5 RE5 You've been hurt so before LA5 DO5 RE5 Watch it now SOL5 The eagle in the sky LA5 DO5 RE5 How he dancin' one and only LA5 DO5 RE5 You, lose yourself SOL5 No not for pity's sake LA5 DO5 RE5 SOL5 There's no real reason to be lonely LA5 DO5 RE5 Be yourself SOL5 Give your free will a chance LA5 DO5 RE5 SOL5 You've got to want to succeed LAm9 DO REadd9 SOL Owner of a lonely heart LAm9 DO REadd9 SOL Owner of a lonely heart SOL (Much better than a) LAm9 DO REadd9 SOL Owner of a broken heart LAm9 DO LA LAm7 LA Owner of a lonely heart LAm7 LA LAm7 Owner of a lonely heart LA After my own indecision LAm7 They confused me so Owner of a lonely heart LA LAm7 My love said never question your will at all LA In the end you've got to go LAm7 Look before you leap Owner of a lonely heart LA And don't you hesitate at all, no no Yow! LA5 DO5 RE5 SOL5 LA5 DO5 RE5 SOL5 LA5 DO5 RE5 LA5 DO5 RE5 SOL5 LA5 DO5 RE5 SOL5 LA5 DO5 RE5 SOL5 LA5 DO5 RE5 SOL5 LA5 DO5 RE5 SOL5 LA7/4 RE7/4 LA7/4 RE7/4 LA7/4 RE7/4 LA7/4 RE7/4 LAm9 DO REadd9 SOL Owner of a lonely heart LAm9 DO REadd9 SOL Owner of a lonely heart SOL (Much better than a) LAm9 DO REadd9 SOL Owner of a broken heart LAm9 DO REadd9 Owner of a lonely heart LAm9 DO REadd9 SOL Owner of a lonely heart LAm9 DO REadd9 SOL Owner of a lonely heart SOL (Much better than a) LAm9 DO REadd9 SOL Owner of a broken heart LAm9 DO LA LAm7 LA Owner of a lonely heart LAm7 LA LAm7 Owner of a lonely heart LA Sooner or later each conclusion LAm7 LA LAm7 Will decide the lonely heart LA It will excite, it will delight LAm7 It will give a better startFA MIb/FA SIb/FA Don't deceive your free will at all FA MIb/FA SIb/FA Don't deceive your free will at all (Owner of a lonely heart) MIb/FA SIb/FA Don't deceive your free will at all FA MIb/FA SIb/FA Just receive it...
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Owner of a Lonely Heart: Video
Owner of a Lonely Heart è un brano composto e inciso dagli Yes, contenuto nell'album 90125 pubblicato nel 1982. Undicesimo lavoro in studio per la band britannica, viene realizzato dopo il loro primo scioglimento ufficiale del 1981 e in pratica consiste in un tentativo di riorganizzare un nuovo organico ad opera del bassista Chris Squire e del batterista Alan White. La canzone è il brano d'apertura del disco e nacque nel 1980 dal genio compositivo del musicista sudafricano Trevor Rabin nel suo studio di Londra.
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