Happiest Year
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Happiest Year: Chords
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!Intro: SOLb REb SIbm REb LAb SOLb I'm really on the ropes this time SIbm REb I've been fighting all my life for you LAb SOLb LAb SIbm I never should have said goodbye REb But maybe that's what stupid people do SIbm LAb SOLb 'Cause you gave me pea------ce REb And I wasted it SOLb REb I'm here to admit SIbm REb LAb SOLb That you were my medicine REb Oh, I couldn't quit SIbm REb LAb And I'm down on my knees again FAm SOLb A---sking FAm SOLb For no--thing SOLb REb LAb Thank you for the happiest year of my life SIbm LAb REb Thank you for the happiest year of my life, ooh SOLb REb SIbm REb LAb SOLb Ooh, ooh, ooh SIbm Don't think I could forgive myself REb I'm sorry for the ways that I used you LAb SOLb LAb SIbm And I could care less right now REb But you know, you hurt me pretty good too SIbm LAb SOLb Yeah, we made each other bleed REb And we tasted it SOLb REb I'm here to admit SIbm REb LAb That you were my medicine SOLb REb Oh, love, I couldn't quit SIbm REb And I'm down on my knees again LAb SOLb REb LAb Thank you for the happiest year of my life, oh SIbm LAb REb Thank you for the happiest year of my life, ooh SOLb REb SIbm So wake me up when they build that time machine REb LAb SOLb I want to go back REb SIbm REb Wake me up when you were sleeping next to me LAb FAm SOLb FAm SOLb 'Cause I really loved you, ooh... SOLb REb SIbm Thank you for the happiest year of my life REb/FA SOLb REb SIbm Thank you for the happiest year of my life ohh REb/FA SOLb REb LAb Thank you for the happiest year of my life yeah SIbm REb/FA SOLb Thank you for the happiest year of my life REb SIbm LAb6 SOLb Thank you for the happiest year of my life REb
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Happiest Year: Video
Happiest Year è un brano scritto e interpretato da Jaymes McFarland, in arte Jaymes Young, contenuto nell'album Feel Something pubblicato nel 2017. Disco d'esordio per il cantautore di Seattle, è stato realizzato a tre anni di distanza dal suo secondo EP Habits of My Heart grazie al quale riesce a girare in tour tutti gli Stati Uniti. La canzone fa parte dell'edizione deluxe ed è il secondo singolo estratto; un'intensa ballata piano e voce, buon divertimento!
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