Heaven’s a Lie
Heaven’s a Lie: Accordi
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!Intro: MIm DO LA5 SOL RE/LA MIm DO LA5 SOL SOL/FA# MIm DO LA5 SOL RE/LA MIm DO LA5 SOL SOL/FA# MIm DO Oh no, LA5 SOL here it is again RE/LA MIm DO I need to know LA5 SOL RE/FA# when I will fall in deca-----y MIm DO Something wrong LA5 SOL RE/LA with every plan of my life MIm DO LA5 SOL RE/FA# I didn't really notice that you've been here MIm MIm/FA# MIm/SOL MIm/FA# MIm MIm/FA# Dolefully desired MIm/SOL MIm/FA# Desti--ny of a lie MIm DO Set me free LA5 SOL RE/LA your heaven's a lie MIm DO LA5 set me free with you love SOL RE/FA# set me free, yeah MIm DO Set me free LA5 SOL RE/LA your heaven's a lie MIm DO LA5 set me free with you love SOL RE/FA# set me free, yeah MIm DO MIm/FA# MIm/SOL MIm/FA# MIm DO MIm/FA# MIm/SOL MIm/LA MIm DO Oh no, LA5 SOL here it is again RE/LA MIm DO I need to know LA5 SOL RE/FA# why did I choose to betray you MIm DO Something wrong LA5 SOL RE/LA with all the plans of my li-----fe MIm DO LA5 SOL RE/FA# I didn't realize that you've been here MIm MIm/FA# MIm/SOL MIm/FA# MIm MIm/FA# Dolefully desired MIm/SOL MIm/FA# Desti--ny of a lie MIm DO Set me free LA5 SOL RE/LA your heaven's a lie MIm DO LA5 set me free with you love SOL RE/FA# set me free, yeah MIm DO Set me free LA5 SOL RE/LA your heaven's a lie MIm DO LA5 set me free with you love SOL RE/FA# set me free, yeah MIm MIm/FA# MIm/SOL MIm/FA# MIm/LA MIm MIm/FA# MIm/SOL MIm/FA# MIm/LA MIm MIm/FA# MIm/SOL MIm/FA# MIm MIm/FA# Dolefully desired MIm DO Set me free LAm7/9 SOL6 your heaven's a lie MIm DO LAm7/9 set me free with you love SOL6 RE/FA# set me free, yeah MIm DO Set me free LA5 SOL RE/LA your heaven's a lie MIm DO LA5 set me free with you love SOL RE/FA# set me free, yeah MIm DO Set me free LA5 SOL RE/LA your heaven's a lie MIm DO LA5 set me free with you love SOL RE/FA# MIm set me free, yeah
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Heaven’s a Lie: Video
Heaven's a Lie è un brano composto e inciso dai Lacuna Coil, contenuto nell'album Comalies pubblicato nel 2002. Terzo lavoro in studio per la band milanese, riscuote ottimi consensi grazie al nuovo stile che vede mischiarsi l'Heavy-metal alla musica sinfonica. La canzone è il primo singolo estratto dal disco ed è stata scelta per far parte della colonna sonora della nota serie televisiva "Criminal Minds"... in particolare dell'episodio "The Fisher King (part 2)". Canzone dedicata a tutti quelli che si battono per la libertà.
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