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Losing My Religion: Accordi

10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!
FA RE5 Oh life, it's bigger LAm MIm/SI It's bigger than you DO6 FA And you are not me REm9 LAm The lengths that I will go to SOL FA The distance in your eyes MI5 LAm (The distance in your eyes) MIm/SI DO6 FA Oh no, I've said too much REm9 LAm SOL I set it up (I've set it up) LAm FA7+ That's me in the corner SOL That's me in the spotlight REm9 LAm FA7+ I'm losing my religion SOL REm9 Trying to keep up with you LAm FA7+ SOL And I don't know if I can do it REm9 LA Oh no, I've said too much FA7+ SOL I haven't said enough FA7+ I thought that I heard you laughing MI5 LAm MIm/SI DO6 I thought that I heard you sing FA RE5 LAm SOL I think I thought I saw you try LAm Every whisper FA7+ SOL Of every waking hour REm9 LAm FA7+ I'm choosing my confessions SOL REm9 Trying to keep an eye on you LA FA7+ Like a hurt, lost and blinded fool SOL RE5 LA Oh no I've said too much SOL I set it up FA7+ I thought that I heard you laughing MI5 LAm MIm/SI DO6 I thought that I heard you sing FA RE5 LAm SOL I think I thought I saw you try FA7+ MI5 But that was just a dream LAm MIm/SI DO6 Try, cry, why FA RE5 LAm SOL I think I thought I saw you try LA Consider this FA7+ SOL REm Consider this, the hint of the century LA FA7+ Consider this, the slip SOL REm9 That brought me to my knees failed LA FA7+ SOL What if all these fantasies come REm9 Flailing around LA FA7+/LA SOL/LA Now I've said, and now I've said too much FA7+ I thought that I heard you laughing MI5 LAm MIm/SI DO6 I thought that I heard you sing FA RE5 LAm SOL I think I thought I saw you try FA7+ MI5 But that was just a dream LAm MIm/SI DO6 Try, cry, why FA RE5 LAm SOL That just a dream, just a dream just a dream FA RE5 LAm SOL LAadd9 That just a dream, just a dream just a dream
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!


Copyright: © universal music publishing group

Losing My Religion: Video

Losing My Religion è un brano celebre del rock internazionale, reinterpretato magistralmente dai Lacuna Coil che la inseriscono nel loro sesto album Dark Adrenaline pubblicato nel 2012. Canzone scritta e portata al successo dalla band statunitense R.E.M., contenuta nell'album Out of time del 1991, porta la firma del chitarrista Peter Buck. La nuova versione della band milanese consiste in un arrangiamento hard rock, coerente con il loro stile.


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L'autore del post

Foto dell'autore
Alberto Moneti
36 anni, polistrumentista: pianoforte, chitarra, batteria, clarinetto. Ha conseguito la licenza in teoria musicale e solfeggio presso il Conservatorio Cherubini di Firenze. Dal 1997 è organista presso la Basilica di Santa Maria del Sasso, a Bibbiena (AR).